Navigating the college process can be difficult. Navigating the process when you are the first in your family to go to college, or first generation, can feel nearly impossible. But it isn't. It just requires a little deciding.
First, as we discussed before, decide that you will go. Sounds easy, doesn't it? But it actually requires a settling in your mind ahead of time. "I will go to college. Somehow, some way, I will go." It means facing the unknowns, the fears, and the nearly infinite possibliities head on.
Second, decide that you will find the necessary resources to tackle all those unknowns. Identify those in your life who may be able to help you. Although you may be the first in your family, there are many you come in contact with on a day-to-day basis who have already traveled this road. Find them. It may be a guidance counselor, or your pastor, or a neighbor. Begin asking them questions. Ask them about test taking and college applications and dorm life. Ask them about their major and their career and their favorite college. And don't be afraid to ask them if they would be willing to walk through this process with you.
Finally, you must decide to act upon the information you have learned. Start planning early. Take the SAT or ACT early. Apply to college early. Apply for financial aid and fill out the FAFSA early. You get the point. When it comes to the college process, early is good. You can consult
timelines found here to see what should be and when things should be completed. You will also want to communicate with the colleges you are intersted in. If possible, visit the campus and talk with the students, eat lunch in the dining hall, and perhaps spend the night in a residence hall. Look into
programs designed to assist "first generation" college bound students. And if you have more questions, then keep asking.
If you are a "first generation" student, then congratulations! Reading this blog and exploring publications shows that you are already taking the first steps in this process. Continue pressing forward. Your decisions today can change not only your future but the future of the generations to follow.