Thursday, March 4, 2010

Does the word TEST scare you?

Although there are an increasing number of schools that are "test optional" many colleges and universities still rely heavily upon the test score from one Saturday morning. This can be a killer if you are a student who loses confidence upon the very notion of testing. The Workbook for Test Success was written by performance coach Ben Bernstein, PhD and the subtitle tells it all: How to be Calm, Confident, & Focused on Any Test. The book begins with a helpful pre-test at that allows students to zero in on their own test performance challenges and directs them to information specific to that challenge. Each chapter provides tools that, when used, may help a student increase their performance. So, if you are someone that hasn't reached top performance on the SAT or ACT, then perhaps this is a resource for you.

Disclaimer: A copy of the book was received from the author for review. The opinions are my own.

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College Question? I'll try and find you an answer!