Monday, August 30, 2010

College Admissions with a Learning Disability

The college admissions process is often daunting. Add to that a learning disability or difference and the process can appear overwhelming. Fortunately, most colleges and universities offer a variety of services so that all students can mount those challenges. Here is a great article from the Washington Post about navigating the college admissions process if you are the student or parent with a learning challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Graduating from high school is a very exciting time for students; however, for those students who are planning on attending college, it is also a time of stress as they work their way through the college admission process. Two ways you can alleviate some of this stress is to make sure you know when to take your college entrance exams, and that you are clear about your chosen school’s admission timetable. As long as students stay organized, understand the college admission process and know the policies of each school they are applying to, finding and starting a university or college can actually be fun!

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