Thursday, September 13, 2012

Seniors: It is time to apply!

Seniors, it is already mid-September. The time to apply is NOW.
Here are some helpful links to help you get started in the process.

  1. SC Can Go: Resources for students, parents, teachers and counselors
  2. Common Application: Allows you to apply to a multitude of colleges and universities that use a holistic approach to admissions.
  3. Universal College Application Site: Helping to give more students more access to college.
  4. Black College Common Application: Apply to up to 36 Historically Black Colleges and Universities for one price of $35. Saves money and time!
If you are a Richland Northeast High School student, 
 visit the College and Career Center to set up an appointment.

Monday, September 17:   Educational Opportunities Fair in the gym during 1st period
Tuesday, September 25:   Pizza College Application Night
                                                      Media Center
                                                  4:30 PM-8:00 PM

Last year over 275 seniors took advantage of one of our College Application Events.

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College Question? I'll try and find you an answer!