Monday, August 17, 2009

Best Recommendations

When you are applying to a college, especially to a highly selective college, recommendations can be very important. Just think, if everyone has terrific grades, outstanding test scores, and is ranked in the top percentages, recommendations can be one way to differentiate a student from the rest of the pack. So start smart. Follow these guidelines to get the best recommendations and recommenders.

Stick to the basics. Most colleges and universities want recommendations from academic teachers, not Aunt Sally. If a school wants a recommendation from someone other than a teacher or guidance counselor, they will specify that.

Early is good. Your best bet is to ask a teacher early in the year, or better yet, line them up at the end of the junior year. Good teachers may be asked to write dozens of recommendations, so ask early.

Details, details. Give your teacher a reminder about how you contributed in the class. Did he/she tell you that your project was one of the best she has seen in all her teaching years? Then remind her of that comment and perhaps bring in that old paper. Details are important in teacher recommendations. Don't hesitate to jog his or her memory with them.

Tick-Tock. Give your prospective recommender a proper amount of time to write the recommendation. A good estimate is to give at least two weeks for the letter. Strong recommendations are like strong papers. They take time. Do not ask one day prior to the deadline.

Ask politely and don't forget to thank your recommender. It is the best payment for extra work.

Dont' forget to include the stamped and addressed envelope. Include specific instructions and a due date.

For your eyes only...not. Remember, recommendations are usually considered invalid if the student reads them. However, it is alright to follow up with the writer to see if the recommendation has been sent. Universities and colleges also may have mechanisms in their application process to check the status.

OK, it is time to go. If you haven't already, line up those recommendations and get those applications completed.

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